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FLEXiT is made with 4 all natural ingredients – Water (Alkaline), Aloe, Magnesium Chloride, and Polyethylene Glycol.

Like an Epsom salt bath on the go! Epsom salt baths are an all-natural remedy that has been around for hundreds of years, we’ve just made the process simpler. FLEXiT tackles the cause of muscle pain by treating it at the source rather than masking it, which is a common issue with many other muscle pain remedies on the market. The magnesium in FLEXiT forces out the calcium and acts as a lubricant for your joints and muscles.

Yes. FLEXiT is drug-free, natural, preservative free, petroleum and paraben free. The Roll-on is safe for most people but not recommended for use on children or those with sensitive skin.

Our product is used by top performing athletes who need to increase the amount of magnesium in their body to recover better. FLEXiT is also great for anyone with chronic muscle and joint pain. Providing excellent pain relief for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, or even after a long day of yard work. FLEXiT also helps to reduce pain caused by osteoarthritis by acting as a lubricant for the bones.

Simple. Twist off the cap and apply the roll-on application locally, to the source of your pain. A little goes a long way. Only roll on across the source of your pain once. For best results, apply the roll-on to the affected areas as often as your pain hurts. FLEXiT is a topical analgesic designed for external use only and is not to be consumed orally. Do not apply to open wounds or sores. 

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a versatile and safe compound, often used in medical treatments, cosmetics, and food industry due to its excellent solubility and non-toxic properties.

If product is over applied, FLEXiT may leave a white film on the skin. You can easily wash off with water. This is just the Magnesium Chloride, similar to the residue left in your bathtub after using Epsom salts.